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Corrugated Cardboard Box Production
We serve you with our high speed machines in a closed area of 4,000 m², with an annual production capacity of 12000 tons.

We can quickly meet your demands from our existing stocks, and we can quickly meet your special sized and 4-color printed demands.

Applicable wave types: E, B, C, EB, BC, BCA
It is produced as 4 Color Printed, Staple Stitched or Adhesive.
For information: 0262 255 5654

Standard Parcel and Box Group

Contact us

You can contact us to benefit from our special design service. We are happy to assist you with our design support to make a difference in the industry of your business and impress your customers. 

Head Office

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Adres: Hacı Halil Mh. Yazı Cd. No:33 41400 Gebze/KOCAELI

Telefon: +90-262-255-5654
GSM     : +90-506-346-4556

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